Nichol is the voice behind Nichol Naranjo, the blog shares tips on styling homes, entertaining, fashion, and simplest pleasures in life. For a daily dose of stunning fashion and home decor tips, follow her on Instagram at @nicholnaranjo.
Summer is upon us and I’m looking forward to some lovely meals indoors and outdoors with my family, as we all seek some downtime and beautiful weather. I think it’s safe to say this is a summer like no other for all of us, and many of us are striving to the beautiful in the everyday, despite the pandemic we are each faced with. I know one positive thing that has come from these uncertain times is that our family is gathering at the dining table again. With grown children and jam-packed schedules for all of us, we were finding it more and more difficult to simply sit at the table together again. We acknowledged and discussed it, but the busyness of life still kept us from achieving our desires to sit more frequently at the table together.

Well, now that our schedules are lighter and we are home much more often, we have found ourselves naturally migrating to the table once again to dine, laugh, converse and find beauty in the simplest things we knew we were missing. We have found ourselves sitting at the table for hours simply enjoying each other's company and I am so grateful for it. When our girls were younger, eating at our dining table was a daily activity, we didn’t even have to think twice about it, but as your family grows older and schedules become more complex, sometimes you find what was once such an easy task, has now become a not so easy luxury.
Although we don’t necessarily eat together daily now, we do it far more often, and I can tell it brings each family member solace and security; not to mention there’s just something about dining with other people that can bring such a closeness and intimacy we all long for.
Although, a set table isn’t required to simply enjoy a meal and each other's company, I do find joy in dressing up a table every now and then. I love to make others feel loved and special and I love to use my “pretty stuff” daily.
Life is to be celebrated, and I think we get that now more than ever. I especially love when I can dress up a table for minimal or no cost, it’s a fun challenge for me! Wonderful and easy-to-use cleaning products certainly help in the preparation as well!
Weiman’s Granite & Stone Cleaner is just perfect for our marble table and smells sooo good! It cleans, shines, & disinfects all hard, non-porous surfaces in your home. Their Silver Wipes are the best silver cleaning products I have ever used on silver and I’ve tried many silver products over the years! Two thumbs way up!

Wherever you are and whatever this season looks like for you, I encourage you to take time to treat yourself to a little beauty each day - whatever that looks like for you. There is beauty to behold in each day, sometimes we must search a little harder for it and sometimes it’s right in front of us. I challenge you {and me} not to miss it.